Where Most NeededHelping OrphansHelping Children with Special NeedsSexual Abuse Restoration/PreventionEvangelism and DiscipleshipDisaster Relief - USA Child Sponsorship
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In Orphan Voice promotional and fund-raising literature, names which are used are fictional to protect the identity of the children. At times, faces are blurred to give further protection.
Orphan Voice thanks you for your generosity manifested in every gift. Your gift is tax deductible to the full extend allowed by law. If Orphan Voice highlights one of its outreaches in requesting funds and that outreach is fully funded, or if unforeseen/governmental circumstances intervene so that the highlighted outreach cannot be completed, excess gifts will be applied to other outreaches focused on special needs children, orphans, the poor, the deaf, or youth vulnerable for abuse or trafficking. We thank God for you and we're thankful for your support.
Orphan Voice Ministries is a longtime member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and the Christian Alliance For Orphans (CAFO).