First Things

Remembering Jesus’ Love for Us


"Now to the One who loves us and has washed us from our sins by His blood.”


 Jesus loves you and me

     At Asbury College’s opening chapel in 1978, Dr. Dennis Kinlaw said: “Many famous men don’t know as much as six-year-olds who attend Sunday School.”  Dr. Kinlaw had in mind those six-year-olds who sing: 

     “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.  Little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, for the Bible tells me so.”

     Most of us sang that song growing up. Let’s remind ourselves of its truth as adults, lest the pressures and hurts of life dampen our vital awareness of His love toward us.

     Jesus not only loved you and me at the cross, but He also loves us continually

     Many Bible versions translate Rev. 1:5: “Now to the One who loved us….” Past tense. Now, praise God that Jesus loved us at Calvary. We’re rescued from the hand of the enemy because of Calvary! We’ll enter Heaven because of Calvary! We’ll forever sing His praise because of Calvary!

     Still, most versions translate ‘love’ in Rev. 1:5 in the present tense. “Now to the One who constantly loves us ….” Jesus loves us in real time. We’re constantly loved. No pressure, mistreatment, or struggle that we endure can separate us from His love. Our only focus then is to keep ourselves in the constantly flowing love of God. To keep all known sin out of our lies. Then we'll experience the overflow of His love.
Tony Brewer
Orphan Voice
P.O. Box 910410
Lexington, KY 40591
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