
Something To Smile About...

Hy and his mother can smile today because you help them! Though she carries her son on her back, you have lifted the real weight from her shoulders!


Like many parents around the world, Hy’s mother was blind-sided by the diagnosis of encephalitis and cerebral palsy for her young son Hy. Your gifts have helped to heal her broken heart.

For Hy’s family, life is hard. His father is a day-laborer, picking up jobs wherever he can-- in rice fields, on local construction, and so on. Living in an isolated rural area, Hy’s mother had no prenatal care until her 7th month. Hy was born small and weak, but his parents hoped that with extra care and food, he would thrive. Instead, his uncontrollable muscle movements seemed to increase day by day. His inability to speak isolated him even more within the family. Abiding sadness and worry gripped his mother’s heart. What kind of life could she enjoy with her son—would he never be able to sit up, dress or feed himself, or communicate?

Through therapists you provide in a facility you have built, Hy first gained muscle control and strength in his neck and shoulders. Today, he can sit up on his own, stand with minimal support, dress himself, and help with some household chores. Still nonverbal, he has found his “voice” in a light-up-the-room smile and gentle touch. He is a happy teenager, taking on new challenges and experiencing success. Because of you, smiles are a daily occurrence. Thank you!

And they "were there" for children who were forever changed as well. Lauren and Brigitte strategized with the therapy center staff to develop on-going plans for each child. New methods, ideas, and equipment will bring immeasurable help and progress.


“Even when he is tired from a day of therapy, Hy is always happy and smiling. He has a beautiful smile…he shines!”

-Ly, Therapist

Orphan Voice
P.O. Box 910410
Lexington, KY 40591
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