Tragedy Threatened To Take Her Life - You Gave It Back

Even Danang's coldest weather could not keep Tien from practicing the piano. Thank you for providing her lessons!


 Tien's early life was not unlike many young girls in her neighborhood. The oldest of three children, she started school and was excited to begin piano lessons. But in a short time, her young life changed.

     A 4th sibling was born with cerebral palsy. Then, Tien's father was seriously injured and could no longer work. The family's comfortable life disappeared. Some days, they had only a handful of rice to eat. Tien missed school--a lot. Luxuries like music were a thing of the past. Fearing for Tien's future, her desperate mother came to Promise House--and you had help ready for her! Now a healthy teenager, Tien is thriving in school and has once again returned to the music that brings her comfort and purpose. Your love and gifts made that happen!


Orphan Voice
P.O. Box 910410
Lexington, KY 40591
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