You put that smile on that face!
When Minh came to Phu Ninh Therapy Center, he couldn’t roll over or hold his head up. His leg and heel muscles were badly constricted. His village’s clinic incorrectly diagnosed “paralysis.”
Through prayer and the work of the lay therapists, Minh improved. He gained strength to lift his head while lying on the floor, first 2 cm, then 3 cm. After two years, he could sit and hold his head up. Exercises freed his leg and heel muscles. Learning to walk took longer. He began by pushing a 4-wheeled walker with therapists holding him. Eventually, he walked unassisted with the walker. By the end of 2019, he could walk 10-15 steps by himself without the walker! By the end of 2020, he could walk by himself! Today, he runs and jumps! Hear His mom’s testimony: “I remember how he was. Look at him now! I’ll keep these things in my heart forever.”