God’s Word reveals to us many precious promises, truths and realities (I Peter 1:4). Jesus paid an incredible price to secure those realities for us; He certainly intends that we benefit from and receive them.
We rightly rejoice that we are forgiven and that we have a home in heaven. We rejoice in His promises of provision, presence, and peace. How could we NOT rejoice for all that He has done for us!?
But, is our possession of these realities Jesus’s ultimate intent for us? Perhaps not. His ultimate intent for you and me is something deeper, more intimate, more fundamental – something eternal.
The two main characters in the Song of Songs are Solomon and the Shulamite bride-to-be. Think on this: the names “Solomon” and “Shulamite” are derived from one word-- emanating from one root word. That fact reveals Jesus’ ultimate intent for you and me.
Jesus intends that you and He be United as One for eternity. You were made for Him and He is your perfect completion. There can’t be a more flawlessly perfect union than the one that He plans for you and Himself—His life, His love, His joy. It’s incredible but true. The more you reflect on your coming eternal union with Jesus, the more you can say:
“Now I know that … all His desires are fulfilled in me.”
Song of Songs 7:10