
Begin with AMEN


     Amen. Most often a word to end a prayer. So be it. The root word means “firm; fixed; sure.” In other words, I believe and I’m all in. 
     At least 25 times in John’s Gospel, Jesus begins His statements with “Amen” or even a double “Amen” —often translated “truly, truly” or in older Bible versions, “verily.” Maybe in this new year, we would do well to begin our words to God—our requests, our praises, our needs, our cries, and even complaints—with “Amen.”
     Amen. Because the God of heaven is a fixed and firm foundation.
     Amen. Because the love of Jesus is sure and He is forever “God with us.”
     Amen. Because He has all authority and power.
     Amen. Because more than mere belief, we come with surrender to the will and ways of God with an unshakeable trust, knowing that He is good. 
     Amen. Because we speak directly to the One who is “the Amen, the faithful and true Witness” (see Revelation 3:14).
     Amen. Come Lord Jesus. Search my heart and mold it to be like Your own. Change me from the inside out and make me to be more like You. In Your Name I ask it, AMEN.

I believe and I’m all in.


Cindy Brewer
Orphan Voice
P.O. Box 910410
Lexington, KY 40591
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