
Cultivating Hope… Just In Time

Phu is now off to school!


“He’s a noodle.” That’s how one therapist described young Phu just five years ago. Diagnosed with cerebral palsy, Phu could not sit up, roll over, or move his arms. Lifeless, his vacant eyes stared into space. Starting with massage, therapists gently worked with Phu, helping him gain strength. Gradually, he began to respond…and then to try for himself.

This year, for the very first time, Phu is attending the local school. YOU did that! His mother says, “I used to cry for my boy all the time. I was ready to give up. But when I saw how hard he tried, something in me rose up. Thank you for helping my son.”


Orphan Voice
P.O. Box 910410
Lexington, KY 40591
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