Tam grew up in a poor family outside of Da Nang. Her father, a builder by trade, developed a serious heart problem and could not work. Her mother worked in the rice fields and sold coffee and breakfast food out of her kitchen to supplement the family income. The parents frequently borrowed money from family and friends to live.
Tam worked hard in school and earned a spot in the local university. She walked over an hour each way to attend classes, often returning home long after dark. Several times she encountered dangerous men who tried to block her way. Thank God, she was able to escape and join the Victory House program for young women at risk for sexual abuse. Because of your prayers and support, we were able to provide on-campus student housing for Tam. Recently, she graduated with a degree in Information Technology. Tam expressed her thanks for YOU, our partners who provided books in our Orphan Voice library, a safe place to live, mentoring from our staff that helped her forgive those who offended her, and showed her the joy of a life lived for God and others.
Tam’s story could have been very different. Because of you, Tam is looking for ways to share her hope with others. She received compassionate help that she now passes on to other hurting children.