Hope In The Midst Of Civil War


Since the start of a coup in Myanmar in February of 2021, nearly 2,000 men, women, and children have been killed by the military junta. Orphan Voice partners are bringing life and light into this darkness! You provide food to orphanages and refugee centers, and sponsor evangelistic outreach. Your gifts have sent "Luke," our pastor friend, to preach salvation and healing all over Myanmar.

Orphan Voice is helping complete a Ministry Training Center where Christians from rural areas come for three months of intensive training. Once equipped, they return to every corner of the country to preach and teach. This ministry is one way that God is making Jesus known in this war-torn land.

And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?

Romans 10:14

Construction continues even with classes meeting!

Orphan Voice
P.O. Box 910410
Lexington, KY 40591
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