Li is a shy and innocent Kindergartener. She deserves to be safe from every kind of physical abuse. Last month, perhaps for the first time, Li heard that she is valuable. You sent a team to her school to present a fun and interactive seminar about worth and purpose. “I am more precious than gold!” she shouted with her peers.
It is a good foundation. Li learned the difference between “good and bad touches” and heard that she has a right to say “no” to “bad touches.” More importantly, she learned that help is available from adults who are ready to take action to protect her. She learned the hotline phone number to report abuse.
Since October, about 6,000 schoolchildren like Li have heard this message of worth, value, and purpose. Thousands more will hear in this new semester of the school year because of you. Thank you for sending teams to share the word--each child truly is more precious than gold!