South Africa

South Africa has a long Christian history, with times of spiritual decline, and then because of God’s mercy, revival. One such time of revival occurred in the mid-1800’s. Hear the testimony of one minister during that time:

“When the Lord began to wander among us, how intense were the prayers for revival and the cries for mercy! ‘I am lost,’ cried one. ‘Lord, help me,’ cried another. Anxious cries were uttered, heavy with fear. Heart-rendering testimonies of conversion were heard. Visions were seen and troubled dreams dreamt. Even behind bushes and rocks, on mountains and in ravines, men, women, children, gentlemen, servants –all kneeling on the same ground crying for mercy. And none of this expected by anyone! It was all the Spirit of God; and not for a few hours or days, but months long. Oh! Blessed days! Come speedily to us again with your blessing, O God! Come speedily again!”

Like the people of most nations today, South Africa’s 56 million people are again in need of revival. Its unemployment rate is the highest in the world at between 35-40%. It has the third highest crime rate in the world, with assaults, rape, and homicides being regular features of life. In fact, four of South Africa’s major cities are listed in the world’s top 20 “most dangerous cities.” Let us join together and pray for God's Spirit to once more move mightily in the great nation.
Orphan Voice
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