
You've Sent A Warrior

Thien Ca uses information gleaned from traffickers to design content for school seminars and online pages to warn children and keep them safe.



Fighting For Freedom From Traffickers' Chains

I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves. So be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves. 
Matthew 10:16, Contemporary English Version    


There’s an imposter among us! Ca masquerades as a student on fake social media accounts, interacting with a host of seamy individuals who try to draw her into different schemes. Armed with knowledge of their ploys, Ca designs programs and graphics to protect other young people from their tricks.

A recent addition to the Orphan Voice staff, her full name is Thiên Ca, meaning “heavenly song.” But don’t be fooled by her quietly gentle demeanor. Thiên Ca is a serious warrior with traffickers in her sights.

Ca has been at the forefront of developing innovative methods and messages to protect young people from sexual abuse. She managed the hugely successful online competition that saw more than 100 students produce their own anti-trafficking video messages. Now she is developing an infographics resource for schools and communities to use with students and families. In every project, Ca works to expose the wiles of traffickers who promise the moon but deliver tears.

Ca developed an active compassion as a young child accompanying her grandfather in his work for the Red Cross. At his knee she learned that complacency or aloof concern are not options. Action is required. This unlikely “freedom fighter” is in the arena where the battle rages. With your continued prayers and gifts, you keep Ca and others on the frontlines protecting children. Thank you!


Orphan Voice
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Lexington, KY 40591
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