I Love My Brother So Much! Please Help Him!

So plead 14-year-old Hung for his younger brother, Dung. And not only once - Hung implored Promise House caregivers three times before they could obtain needed permissions to bring Dung to Promise House.

Praise God! Persistence paid off! Because of Hung's imploring love, God's favor with government workers to get the needed paperwork, and Orphan Voice partners' provision of a safe and available "place," these brothers are reunited! All according to Jesus' plan for their salvation and for His glory.
What happened along the way in these young lives?

Brothers Abandoned

From the start, Hung and Dung's unmarried, teenage parents were a bad match. They fought a lot. But in time the union brought forth a blessing - Hung. His life brought a temporary truce in the fighting.
About three years later, Dung was born (Dung's birthday is unknown). When younger brother Dung was 6 months old, pressed by the constant bickering, the boys' young and immature mom abandoned her sons. Hung and Dung have not seen their mother since.

After their mom left, the boys' shaken father moved his sons into his parents' home. It wasn't a great fit for the boys there either. The parents were old, sick, and poor. But still, between grandmom, grandpa, and dad the brothers received a degree of care.


Tragedy struck again in 2017 and the brothers' minimal care was disrupted. Criminals murdered their dad. Police never knew the murderers' identity. No reason was ever discovered for the crime. No one was ever brought to justice. That terrible event will mark Hung and Dung for the rest of their lives.

Following the murder of their son, the brothers' sick and aging grandparents felt that they couldn't care for Hung and Dung alone. When no aunt or uncle stepped forward to provide any sort of care, the grandparents asked the village elders for help. That request eventually led to Hung's placement at Promise House. Unknown to Orphan Voice, Dung was placed in another orphanage across the city.

Orphan Voice Partners Unite Brothers

Dung's orphanage recently closed (you can begin to see the story). Dung's orphanage director planned for him to live in an orphanage in a remote district. When Hung heard the news about the closure and discovered the plans for his brother, he spoke! Often! Loudly! In doing so, he brought Dung to Orphan Voice's attention. And because Orphan Voice partners had already provided a place ... well, you know the rest of the story.

Once united, Hung thought long and hard about how to bless his brother and spend time with him. His solution? A trip to Danang’s amusement park. There, Dung was amazed! He had never been to an amusement park; had never seen an amusement park; indeed, he had never heard of an amusement park! Boy, did the brothers have fun! First, Hung took Dung for a ride on the park’s huge Ferris Wheel. It turned ever so slowly, and it was incredibly high! Dung could see all of Danang - all the way to the East Sea. Then came the Tilt-A-Whirl which, unfortunately, nearly made Dung sick. And there was popcorn and candy. What a day!

You made that day possible, Orphan Voice partners. Thank you!

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