Li was thinking about the new boy who came to the Group Home a month before: “Why does Duc always give his fruit and snacks to the older boys? He seems scared.”
So Li, who watches over the younger Promise House kids as a mother hen watches over her chicks, pulled Duc aside and asked: “Don’t you like fruit? Don’t you like candy?
Surprised, Duc answered: “I thought I had to give my snacks to the older boys. At the orphanage where I lived before coming here, if I didn’t give them some of my food at meals, the older boys beat me up. I don’t want that to happen here.”
Upon hearing that, astonished Li ran to the Promise House caregivers to tell them. When the caregivers came, they asked questions and Duc told them more about his life in the previous orphanage.
“There were two caregivers for 33 of us. No one helped me with my homework. I didn't do well in school. I’m in the 3rd grade, but I should be in the 5th.”
You've changed this boy's life. Because of you, he now eats three meals each day and has snacks. He’s gained 20 pounds. Tutors help him with homework and to get caught up in school. Caregivers recognize the value that God has assigned to Duc and treat him that way. He plays with friends. He feels safe. He feels loved.
Duc feels this way because of you! You're the hero in his story.