
Set Free By The Blood Of The Lamb


     In relationship with a long-time, Orphan Voice friend, you're helping South African women find freedom from sexual slavery through the delivering power of Jesus. Just look at “Kim’s” face. She's free!

     Kim's start in life was beyond bad. When she was six, an older cousin raped her. His abuse continued for years.

     At fourteen, the abusing cousin introduced her to pornography. He then manipulated her into “starring” in adult films. When her classmates found out, they ridiculed her without mercy. Their mocking led to her first suicide attempt.

     Unfortunately, Kim’s sufferings didn’t end there. Perhaps we’ll report more later, but you’ve read enough to know that only Jesus could save her.

     When it seemed as though she couldn’t endure life any longer, Kim walked forward at an altar call and asked Jesus into her heart.

     When she asked, He answered! She felt a great washing flow over her. She was clean! She couldn't remember having ever felt clean. Christ lifted all the sin, shame, and guilt from her heart and carried it away. It's never returned.

     Kim has now walked closely with Jesus for five years. And she hasn't forgotten others who suffer as she did. Through your love and generosity, Kim is helping other trapped women find freedom in Christ.

Orphan Voice
P.O. Box 910410
Lexington, KY 40591
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